Awaken the Magician Within: Wielding the 5 Elements / Kristen Kalisee Priya, Salma Ishvara Oomer
April 19, 2025 - April 26, 2025

Be led through a journey of ceremonies, meditations, yoga classes, and elemental practices to help you remember your inner light, joy, and magic.
We’ll work with one element a day to heal and rejuvenate on the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels. You’ll learn practices you can use in every day life that call upon each element’s wisdom to protect, clear, and manifest.
You’ll also get time to bask in the beauty of nature from a hammock, eat nourishing meals made with love, and spend time lounging in the hot tubs or swimming in the lake.
Kalisee is known to her students as a healer who creates safe spaces to reveal what hurts us. She inspires joyful return to the light in oneself. She weaves together practices like meditation, yoga, and ceremonial magic to guide others on their journey to self-discovery and connection. Whether leading full moon ceremonies or teaching Transformagic in her school, Spiral of the Star, Kalisee’s offerings are rooted in honoring the thread between all wisdom and philosophy practices, the Universal Truths.
Salma is a student of yoga and esoteric wisdom. Her practice highlights facilitating experiences in yoga asana, yoga philosophy, breathwork, chanting, meditation, activism and esoteric workshops in tarot, crystals and moon rituals to support fellow light seekers in connecting to the greater self. A lifelong teacher by trade, Salma’s passion is opening minds, hearts and creating carefully crafted containers for self discovery and connection to the teacher who resides within.