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Guatemala Retreat-Songs of the Soul / Victoria Webby & Ingrid Verhagen

November 9, 2024 - November 16, 2024

Heart – Mind – Body Alignment

Journey with us into a higher expression of self, through a unique and profound combination that brings
together Soul Yoga, Language of Light, multi-dimensional meditations, channelled words and messages, movement, sound, healing, sacred voice and dance. This time together through the profound energies of 11-11 gateway and full moon, bring a deep and transformational alignment that will inspire and support you to embody the truth of your core being. You will embrace a new rhythm and live with deeper awareness and presence in your world. You will take away with you practical, down to earth ideas, exercises and insights, as well as streamline your multi-dimensional self. You will understand more your innate connection and how to live this on earth now, in Gow and ease. This is something different that is being offered, perhaps something you have never experienced before which will offer you an opportunity to expand your minds and hearts and to realise there is so much more to life. So why not simply say

Be open to receive and celebrate all that you are and who you are becoming Be open to receive and celebrate all that you are and who you are becoming


  • Easy yoga and movement at the start of each day
  • Activation of your innate inner voice – we connect within our core as we chant, tone, sound
  • Upgrades & alignment of both physical & metaphysical nervous systems
  • Transformative Language of Light transmissions & channeling – **more information on Language of Light below
  • Cellular and DNA acceleration
  • Connecting and working with sacred oils & the Goddess Game
  • Sound & movement through the elements (earth, Wre, air, water, ether/spirit)
  • Sense of ease, peace & loving connection with your body & spirit to use every day
  • Practical movement & sound exercises to use every day in your life
  • Holistic exploration of healing, delving into the interconnected Gow of body, mind & soul
  • Sacred sound & light keys to activate your Sacred Temples (to step into your 5D body experience)
  • Ancient codes & connections, transmissions from the sacred lands we will be in
  • Connection to the galaxies and your universal consciousness
  • Connect to your star origins and how they inGuence your life on earth
  • Balance with your original divine blueprint (your physical and spiritual design)
  • Sacred Wre & cacao ceremonies
  • Wherever we need to Gow in the moment aligned with group energy
  • Returning to wholeness through I AM Remembrance
  • Time out during the day for reGection, journaling & free time
  • Complete each night with a session in deep relaxation and integration


Be prepared to leave with a wide open heart, a deeper knowing of who you really are
and your deep soul connection from earth to your star alignment. Take home simple
and effective tools to continue your practice of self-discovery and deeper
understanding on the paths you choose in your life. This is a retreat that will bring
deep connection and sustenance to your body, clarity & Gow to your mind and peace
& celebration to your heart.

What’s included: What’s included:

*All sessions with Victoria & Ingrid beginning Saturday night 9th November through Friday night 15th November
*7 nights shared accommodation – spaces are limited! Please enquire early regarding single accommodation and we
will try and Wt your request
*Participants limited to 10 (plus facilitators)
*Healthy vegetarian meals per day (7 dinners, 6 lunches, 7 breakfasts) – other options available for small fee such as
*Unlimited Tea/local coffee & water
*Mayan Wre ceremony
*Cacao HEART ceremony
*Group Mayan teachings or village visit – conWrmation soon!


What’s not included: What’s not included:

*All Gights & transport to and from Villa Sumaya (transfers from Guatemala City to Villa Sumaya can be booked through a
travel company that is used by Villa Sumaya, for more information connect with us)
*Insurances – please organise travel insurance – higher recommended!
*Any tips & gratuities
*Any meals before check in & after check out
*Optional spa treatments, private sauna & extra ceremonies
*Alcoholic beverages, other snacks etc other than supplied in package
*Food/drinks on any excursions outside Villa Sumaya
*Wi-Fi (available for small fee)
*Transfer fees for all payments through credit cards etc.
Villa Sumaya is such a beautiful space you may want to stay on a couple of days to visit the local villages, got on a hike,
etc. Enquire early!
(It’s recommended participants refrain from alcohol during the retreat. Please note: no recreational drugs allowed
during this retreat – thank you for your co-operation on this!)


About Victoria Webby: Victoria is a Visionary and Channel of the heart, who for 20 years
has been a divine Blueprinter & multi-dimensional Sound Translator and Linguist in the
Language of Light. She is also a facilitator for your ‘Living Library’, your Galactic Akashic
Records. Victoria holds private sessions, workshops, gatherings & tours across the globe as
well as online workshops, courses and meditations and assists people in deep transformation
and remembrance of their own path of truth. Hearing the voice of spirit, she travels to places
through divine instruction, assisting to hold space as Souls just simply ‘remember’.
Guatemala is one such place she has been called. She is a Munay-Ki Teacher & is the creator
of a new, unique and transformational quantum modality called “Living Sound-Light Systems”.
Victoria lives in a beautiful & peaceful valley in Tasmania, Australia.


About Ingrid Verhagen:  Ingrid has been guiding yoga since 2007. Having trained with oa
Vyasa (Singapore) and Strala (USA), her focus in Soulyoga is on dropping stress, moving from
the middle with ease and Wnding your own Gow of being best in your body. And having fun
along the way! She draws from her trainings as an NLP Master Practitioner, BodyTalkSystem
& Parama Practitioner, Reiki Master, Shadow Coach, Integrative Coach and Victoria’s amazing
Living Sound Light Systems in her private coaching and energy sessions. She is passionate
about empowering people to empower themselves and loves reconnecting people with their
inner magic and supporting them to transform stress into evolutionary drivers of creation.
Ingrid lives in The Netherlands, only a 15 minute bike ride from her favorite Dutch dunes and


It is our joy and our pleasure to invite you on a fabulous journey.

This truly is a unique and powerful experience if you choose to walk with us, to
explore within and to give yourself permission to shift, expand and celebrate your
life on earth.
Just say YES!

Victoria & Ingrid


November 9, 2024
November 16, 2024